
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Pc won't let me run it, says it is unsafe

i had the same idea!!!

I played it....and uh- OH YEAH that graphics are fine- :D

very exciting, please make the full version soon

version 6.6.6 ... very clever...

RU: Dark Impostor - Попытка воссоздать Dark Deception, во вселенной Among us. Пройдите 5 уровней и найдите того кто стоит за всем этим делом...

EN: Dark Impostor - An attempt to recreate Dark Deception, in the universe Among us. Go through 5 levels and find the one who is behind all this...

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
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