
Comments (3)

What do you think?

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but if you ALT+TAB, the game is titled, "You need to eat!"

Also nice game!

Honestly fun, can't wait to see what you add in the future!

This is a game about delivering food to your customers. There's a catch though, there are gangs nearby that would love to get their hands on your delivery.

Deliver your food to your customers without losing it to the gangs! #action #adventure #puzzle

Cartoon Violence


Added a ragdoll to the player when defeated
Added a pizza box model to the package
Added a waypoint objective marker
Fixed restarting bug
Fixed animation bug
Fixed rotation bug

Finally got lighting I'm pretty happy with!

New update! Updated lighting, fighting mechanics. AI behavior, and Environmental updates!

Hey sorry for no recent updates!

Turns out my PC is still broken. Will hopefully be fixed by next Tuesday at best. Thanks for your patience!

Hey everybody! I fixed my PC up and am ready to get to developing! I've been trying to add more weight to the combat system. Also fixed some animations for the enemies. Hoping to update soon!

There won't be an update this week because my computer's power supply went out and I can't develop with such a low amount of Ram to use. Sorry!

So the update didn't come out this week because I added more content than originally planned expect it this month.

Extra features being added:

Crouching - allowing the player to hide from enemies


Mission complete


Phantom Programming

Here's what I plan to add next week:

Different ragdolls

Menu Design

Actual first mission

Possible tutorial level

New release 1.1.0


New animations

New environment changes

Buildings, trees, bushes, ect

Current bugs being fixed:

Animation bug when jumping and running

Animation bug not showing player damage

Report any other bugs to [email protected]


How to play:

WASD to move

Space to jump

Left click to kick

Right click to punch

Punches and kicks won't count unless you actually hit the enemy (Still under construction, might not be accurate)

DISCLAIMER: Game is still under development bugs expected.