
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I think its pretty good, thanks. I beat it :)

Left-Ctrl and Left-Alt as shooting buttons was hard to get used to; I'd rather use something on the right side of the keyboard since I've already got my left hand doing A, D and Space.

In a later level, there's an elevator that brings you up so you can go left. I think that elevator needs to go a bit higher before disappearing.

Dronen is a platform game that has a unique playable attribute. You are able to control Dronen(the player) as well you are able to control the Drone above his head with the up and down keys. This makes your firing capabilities to have a much greater area of cover. You're able to fire both weapons with the CTRl key and the ALT key. You're also able to jump over enemies with the space bar. There are four levels so far, so good luck on making it to the last boss.

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