Comments (11)
I made a page for your mod. It not finished, but here's the link: https://fridaynightfunking.fandom.com/wiki/Salvage_Sonic_(MegaTailsDoll)
i can help
AYO credit me
Friday Night Funkin' : VS Five Nights at Sonic's Series
The official realease
Based on @JonasDaniel mod, this is a remake of it, maded by me, MTD!
Artists : @MegaTailsDoll and @Nightmaric2
Original mod and background maker : https://gamebanana.com/mods/42826
Original VS S.Sonic mod : https://gamejolt.com/games/Fnfvsss/642014
First Remaker : @Dark-Demon-Mike
FNaS Creator : @TheCyVap
FNaS Owner : @PyroRapidFox
Sonic Owners and Creators : Sega & Sonic Team
Yoshi Owners and Creators : Nintendo
FNaF Creator and Owner : @realscawthon
FNF Creator : @ninja_muffin99
#fnaf #fangame #FNaS #Sonic #Nintendo #MTD #FNF
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!