- S T O R Y -
The year is 1992, and Sega is hitting it BIG with the releases of both Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 for their new hit console, the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Upon seeing their success, Tails gives Sonic the idea of opening a location where all his fans can visit him, and thus, Sonic’s Fast Food Diner was born! Unfortunately, Sonic had PLENTY of meetings to attend, so he couldn’t be at the diner most of the time. Tails’s solution? To clone Sonic! But, unfortunately, the cloning machine was bugged, and the clone came out with the wrong colors. Tails didn’t mind it at all, and Sonic actually liked it, so Tails gave the clone some equipment and set up a stage for him.
Unfortunately, someone was watching from the shadows: the malicious Dr. Ivo Robotnik, who hated the duo, was ENRAGED at the opening of the diner. As such, he devised a plan: he submitted an application as a night watchman under the alias “Mr. Egg” to see if he could find anything to shut the place down.
- I N F O -
Five Nights at Sonic’s 5: Fast Food Remaster—just as the name suggests, it is a remaster of the infamous Five Nights at Sonic’s 5, which aims to improve the original by making it overall more fun to play while staying true to the original material. However, we take some liberties in the process of improving and changing certain aspects.
The game puts you in the shoes of the protagonist, the evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik, who, after seeing his plans to conquer the world frustrated by the hero Sonic the Hedgehog, decides to infiltrate the brand-new restaurant of the hero to take it down from the inside. However, he quickly regrets it, as the clone of Sonic created by Tails in the restaurant moves at night, forcing him to survive from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM.
As a non-profit fan game, it’s important to clarify that this project is solely for entertainment, offering our own twist on the game.
- C O N T E N T -
An improved gameplay
Hand-drawn graphics/animations.
Story between nights.
Custom night and challenges.
And more
- P R O G R E S S -
Art: 5%
Coding: 0%
- C R E D I T S -
Director: @Inferno_i_guess
Office Artist: @Mspaint-IV
Character Designs: TBA
Menus Art: @Jarronet
Cameras Artist: @Virus65
UI Art: @AG_no
Concept Artists: @Newton_Models , @Virus65
and @AG_no
Beta tester: @PixelMat
Coder: @valdibee
- T A G S -
#fnaf #fangame #horror #pointnclick #fnas #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed