hello i deicided that this will be a game now for now the cast is
@TheReal39, @Nintendo_Switch, @DatOneCoolGuyOfficial, @purplepankake, @KniteBlargh , @ExoticMeefy, @the_gaming_creeper
and @LB_Gamejolt
if you want to be in the game go to the community link https://gamejolt.com/c/FNaGF_dhdk_code--zeixtf/get_into_fnagf read the pinned post, in the community. #fangame #action #survival #other #fnaf #FNaGF #FiveNightsatGoodFriends
KniteBlargh's model

oh btw i asked KniteBlargh if they want to be in the game and they said sure the jumpscare is... here is a GIF of it

yes KniteBlargh does zap you with the @gamejolt logo

KniteBlargh's game over screen (for now but when i have models for all of the characters i am going to remake KniteBlargh's Game Over screen while making the other characters Game over screens)
it says "KniteBlargh is one of the hardest characters to beat
if you hear KniteBlargh meow close the right door instantly"
@ExoticMeefy's jumpscare is just like KniteBlargh's but it has more frames and more zapping
here it is

yeah ALOT of glitching
@the_gaming_creeper 's jumpscare!

yes @the_gaming_creeper stuns you for a bit #Stun
@Meowdz2 's jumpscares

Yes jumpscare 1 is a vent 2 is the left door
@LB_Gamejolt's jumpscare

@LB_Gamejolt's gameover screen

NOTE: I Am working on other jumpscares this is what i have for now.