
Comments (34)

What do you think?

Not too bad, needs more checkpoints. it reminds me of geometry dash genisis.

awesome your game!


This is so cool! I hope you expand it

Nice 2.2 Function and this game somehow reminds me "Geometry Dash Genesis" Do More!!!!

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Unison - Aperture [Level 1]


Bienvenido a Geometry Dash Evolution, un Fan-game de Geometry Dash de RobTop, inspirado en Geometry Dash Génesis de Uni99.
A diferencia de GD, este no es al ritmo de la música, te puedes mover libremente por el nivel, saltando sobre pinchos y diversos obstáculos, este mismo contiene "Camera controls", Además de una nueva mecánica de plataformas.

~ 1 Nivel
~ 3 Iconos
~ 1 Vehiculo
~ Colores random
~ Camera controls
~ Bloques en movimiento

W / ⬆ / Barra espaciadora : Saltar
A / ⬅ : Moverse hacia la izquierda
S / ⬇ : Bajar sobre plataformas
D / ➡ : Moverse hacia la derecha
F : Activar/Desactivar FPS
X : Activar/Desactivar partículas


Welcome to Geometry Dash Evolution, a Geometry Dash Fan-game from RobTop, inspired by Geometry Dash Genesis from Uni99.
Unlike GD, this is not to the rhythm of the music, you can move freely through the level, jumping on spikes and various obstacles, this one contains "Camera controls", In addition to a new platform mechanics.

~ 1 Level
~ 3 Icons
~ 1 Vehicle
~ Random colors
~ Camera controls
~ Blocks in motion

W / ⬆ / Spacebar: Jump
A / ⬅: Move to the left
S / ⬇: Fall on platforms
D / ➡: Move to the right
F : Toggle FPS
X : Toggle particles

#geometrydash #fangame #arcade #platformer #other

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