Game Community
FNaW:RT2000's and 1980's
19 Members

Comments (12)

What do you think?

can't wait to hear how dogshit my voice acting is

the nights are again extremely long just like the first game, you should make the nights alot shorter in the 3.0 otherwise the nights will take for like an eternity, also change the cameras to black and white, with colored cameras it literally feels like i'm taking the dayshift

hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 😘

Can I make a video out of this?


five nights at wario's:return to 2017 wario ware full game

Version: 1.0.8almost 4 years ago
here it is the coolest game

five nights at wario's:return to 2017 wario ware v2.0

Version: 2.0.5almost 4 years ago

Story: It Was A Cold October Evening In The Mushroom City, A Man Walks Towards His New Job... The Man Would Start His Shift, Entering The Building Early... What Could Go Wrong...?

About:This Game Is Basically About FNaW 2 Remade In It's Own Way, Shape, Or Form...


Developer: @NotJustinWright

Coding: @NotJustinWright

Music Composing: [U N K N O W N]

Visuals: @NotJustinWright , @Tartiston6985 , @Dperk

Voice Acting: @Triple_L , @NotJustinWright

Testing: [U N K N O W N]

Five Nights at Wario's: @TripleWario

Five Nights at Freddy's: @realscawthon


#fnaf #fangame #horror #fnaw

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

New Thumbnail by @Dperk

So, you guys are wondering where the 3.0 demo is? (Read desc)

Updated thumbnail done by me, check it out!

Should I release a demo?

  21 votes Voting finished

What do ya'll think of the fnaw rtww2017 3.0 models so far?

  30 votes Voting finished

Official models that yall asked for that will be in fnaw rtww2017 3.0 and 4.0

Hey everyone, want to see the model reveal for fnaw rtww2017?

  18 votes Voting finished

Hey beautiful people, its-a me, Mr Wright aka Justin Wright, I'll get rtww2017 done before rt2014 so the games are in order, I'm finally back in my account btw, couldn't find the password, so that's the update for now

yet again this is what the cameras look in the game of 3.0 for fnaw rt2014 and fnaw rtww2017

voice actor found his name is @bendymaster35678
