
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I hope it will be released soon

nice wait demo

Do The Demo

Hello Neighbor 2: Mystery House is a fangame uh yeah ill do this later
For more frequent development updates join my discord server #fangame #helloneighbor

Cartoon Violence

Random screenshot idrk
also the van has been implemented almost

More W.I.P screenshots (right after this i turned the brightness and fog down btw)

Workin’ on the neighbors house

Made this bc i was bored idrk

Hello Neighbor 2: Mystery House 0.0.2 out now (Devlog 5)

0.0.2 just came out, features a working pickup system w/ inventory, baker, and ai houses.

More info about the new build in this vid and its description

Hello Neighbor 2: Mystery House 0.0.1* OUT NOW!!! Devlog 4
*this is not the demo/alpha 1/whatever you wanna call it, that’ll be out in like 1-2 months hopefully

0.0.1 just released. its a very early build just to show that it is being made, and only has some basic features such as movement, jumping, the neighbor, and doors.

Completely remaking this in ue4 instead of ue5 for performance reasons, but i have a few important things done already

The Peterson Residence (W.I.P)