Hello Neighbor 2: Mystery House is a fangame uh yeah ill do this later
For more frequent development updates join my discord server https://discord.gg/YCZqBKtjfs #fangame #helloneighbor

The main area is done, just need to get ai tasks fully functional now, and then the demo will probably release (if i dont get an error or smth)
The level for the demo is almost complete! Probably gonna post a screenshot later/tomorrow.
I am almost finished w/ the demo, i just need to dejank some things and then add ai tasks for the neighbor
Also i never mentioned here, i am *planning* on porting this to mac as well so more people can play it, which would also take a lot more optimization so no promises, but i hope i can get this to work!
So i kinda accidentally deleted the main level
Also i completely forgot to mention iām back to working on this
Oh damn i havent posted here in like a month
well this project has been put on hold while i work on my rpg game iām making, but i will go back to work on this soon tho
https://youtu.be/29OySv-BB_s got my hands on a copy of UDS and added it to the project, it looks way better already!

https://youtu.be/34Eqq8cM1L4 FINALLY GOT THESE WORKING