Game Community
Just Really Close Community
4 Members

Comments (3)

What do you think?

yo gg mec bon jeu

the game is not bad , but it is bug in multi , and the animations are not phew , but the game is good gg

Its not bad !

its a horror game, you are lost in a forest and must get those weird orb to flee away, but you can feel it... there is something... Just Really Close #PlatiniumWyvernStudio

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

hi, I am working on a new intro for the game :D, i hope you like it

hi, am still working on the next update, let's hope i can release it soon

guys i need new ideas for the game... am kinda low on ideas right now :(

for the next update there will be Trophies :D

New Update have been released :D :D :D

i am releasing the new update right now :D

if everything is alright, i should be able to release the Update in this weekend :D

i made the Ai a bit smarter :D

ok so i just need to add some good voice into the game (hard and painful xD) and to fix little bug (fast and easy), and i should be able to release the BIG UPDATE :O

new update very soon *blink* *blink* :D
