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Version: 0.1.0over 7 years ago

This was an experimental game I created to learn a few basic things in Javascript. It's based very loosely on a wonderful little game created by "Robotacid" called "Ending".

The primary focus was to learn how to create and load pixel art instead of drawing items directly with code. it was hugely fun to try to tackle it from zero, plus I got to try my hand at some extremely simple graphics.

Next, I wanted to play a little with randomly generated floors and randomly placed enemies. I would love to take these ideas and flesh them out even further!

The game was programmed entirely in Javascript and HTML5 using Notepad++.

Use WASD to move the character around and run into enemies to vanquish them! Don't let them run into you and be careful, some enemies require more than one hit!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!