
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Released yesterday it says here. Regardless of the date... You're doing a really good job. That was LOTS of fun! Please consider rebalancing everything and good luck, your game(even though I don't understand anything that is happening or the characters) is going to be reeeally good! So many little details!

god i love russia



MegaZez HTML5

Version: 0.2.0about 3 years ago

MegaZez Win32

Version: 0.2.0about 3 years ago

MegaZez Linux32

Version: 0.2.0about 3 years ago

------====== ENG ======------

MegaZEZ is a game styled as 8-bit Mega Man games and using mechanics of newer Mega Man games and some mechanics from Mega Man X games.

Now game in Demo and will be updated soon.

For bug reporting write me on my email => [email protected] with theme MegaZEZ Bug Report

------====== RUS ======------

MegaZEZ игра стилизованная под 8-битного Mega Man и использует механики из последних игр Mega Man и некоторые из игр Mega Man X.

Сейчас игра находится в Демо режиме.

Если нашли баги, свяжитесь со мной по моей почте => [email protected] написав тему Баги в MegaZEZ

#fangame #action #platformer #retro #megazez #megaman

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
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