Comments (12)
i hate communisim
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh: Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'!: Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov: Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!
ok make them kiss now
A Liar's Dying Nation is a mix between a top-down puzzle game, an RPG, and a point n' click survival horror that takes place in a dictatorially run Soviet Russia during the Cold War.
This game is not designed in any way to be realistic to history. It is inspired from other stories and developed as an alternate timeline to the Cold War.
You play as Alyosha Gusev, a rich lord living in an extravagant mansion near the center of a small Russian port town near Moscow, who is about to experience the most hellish weeks of his life. Attempt to survive whatever nightmares or generally sickening violence you may stumble across while keeping the people you care for safe. Remember, every action you perform has consequences, and the clock doesn't wait for anybody.
You are not a natural fistfighter. Any attempt to attack anybody without being prepared will lead to your own death.
This game also features:
Multiple endings
A Day/Night time system
Randomized solutions to puzzles for increased replayability
Open world exploration
3D and 2D segments of gameplay
Despite taking place in Russia, for convenience sake, all the voice acting and written media will be in English. Russian translations are still up for grabs depending on if we get competent translators and VA's or not.
Character designing
Sound Design
3D Modelling
Sound Design
Music Composition
Additional artwork
Creating "Goffington"