
Comments (2)

What do you think?

(Oh) Gonna get funky;

why would jeffy do that. (this looks cool)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Use
Tobacco Reference
Crass Humor

The demo after this one will be different, you have to get certain achievements to unlock the "Random Characters Pack" Which actually makes them act like their non playable counterpart. Check the article for what characters to except.

So now your definitely getting a Halloween demo

El Diego tosses Explosive Beer Bottles, where in FFS, when knocking a beer down, the beer instead explodes when playing as doise

Tricky treat is now moved to the basement

Nvm the build is working now

Bro I could just do it again from an old build

We also will be making better assets, so any assets with barely any work put into them go unused.

To play as gustavo (currently) theres a gustavo sign in the hub, so use that, to play as vigi, go to the dresser in the character select (use noclip when entering tho), to play as doise, touch the squished peppino.

But to make up for it, an archive will go up

The Mod is sadly going to be delayed to christmas for its release, due to the mod having many bugs and i'd rather murder myself than fixes those.