
Comments (2)

What do you think?

(Oh) Gonna get funky;

why would jeffy do that. (this looks cool)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Use
Tobacco Reference
Crass Humor

John Cash will be added soon, also we will have our own Secret Hoppin soon (Prince's Mix)

What ya'll think about think about the demo, also these characters will be added next demo

All we have rn is Peppino, Noise, Vigilante, Pepperman, Snick, Gustavo, and Mort if you mod the game and add "I" as a character… Go play it now!!! Looking for some more candy? Well there you have it!

El Diego is now just a playable character, his boss will be replaced with "The Denoise"

El Diego's Moveset is also as deranged as the Doise, just with different moves to fit him

When Pressing Grab Key While Mach Running as Doise, You can do one of his BYOC Moves where he on the ground and dashes at high speeds with "Peddito" bombs in his hands.

Just made levels look accurate to their titlecards

After the demo, I'll start updating the mod more frequently for you guys to see peak

Ya'll Don't Know what's going on man.