
Comments (2)

What do you think?

(Oh) Gonna get funky;

why would jeffy do that. (this looks cool)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Use
Tobacco Reference
Crass Humor

estoy hot pepper

I might be able to get on for a while if my dad leaves and my mom is still gone

I always come back

Just sneaking on rn, so take this sneak peak (from yesterday)

Sadly tomorrow I’m grounded so no development until sunday

New Level: Bosses of the Tower


Pepperman does not lose speed when turning in mach 4

Keep in Mind, snotty and the outlaw are 2 separate people, Yeah they might be the same species (Green Cheeseslime), Snotty is Vigilante's G and B Equivalent, Outlaw is vigilante's boss replacement

Also Pizza Coins now appear in levels the same as collectibles, Normal, Big, Giant, Escape, Escape + Big, and Escape + Giant

Levels/Bosses in floor 6 (Staff's Lounge) (bound to change) + music