
Comments (15)

What do you think?

eyyyy how do you exit the rediit camp i think i've explored everywhere in it but i can't find the exit B((((

This looks good! I think i should download this and record a video about it

It looks really good, I will definitely try it!

Augustus knows he must go to the heart of the Heremus to the

place his god hid his face from the world.

But is it worth the Cost?

Will he trade his soul to become the Reditus?

Reditus blends the old with the new by bringing classic

RPG scifi pixel art like Final Fantasy 6 with updated 3d graphics.

#rpg #adventure #altgame #retro


Engage in Overdrives:


Have different characters work together and engage in combo Overdrives:


Solve Puzzles:


Key Features:

Fast paced turn-based battles

No random encounters; enemies can be seen running around

Tons of items to be looted, stolen or crafted

16-bit SNES style sprites and 3D models

Music inspired by PSX RPGs

60-70 Hrs gameplay

Collect Monsters and have them battle in an Arena

Multi Party Tactical Battles

Tons of Mini Games #fangame

Fantasy Violence

Getting a beatup on the disco.

So in Reditus, I plan on having a monster pit similiar to Dragon Quest 8 where you can capture a team of monsters and pit them against others for prizes. Gregorios is the owner of the bar where this will take place later in the game.

So status of my game is that I'm developing this game alone and I'm unable to keep pouring money into it. I'm searching for a publisher and if that doesn't happen then this game will be put on hiatus indefinitely.

Anybody want to buy the rights to Reditus for 500 usd. Entire script, unreal engine plugins, illustrations, github repository, and pitch deck will included in the offer.

Cover art is almost done. I think the artist is doing a good job.


An example of my games combat and how its overdrive system works. As the player receives more damage more combos and skills open up.

Example Npc Dialogue from Reditus

Script writing is coming along. Game script so far is 45000 words. Shooting for 100000 words. I'm writing about a 1000 words per day. Should reach it by next month. Hope I don't forget how to work on unreal engine :).

Working on cover art now for the game. I think progress is looking good.