
Comments (42)

What do you think?

next fangame to enter the fanverse?!?!?!?!

My friend found this and the funny part is my irl name is Milka so if you need a voice actor hit me up haha ☆

First time I see a fan game with these color palettes

I liked it :v

I really like this game. I think it's cute but I also think it can be stressful like the original games (except they wren't cute lol). My only problem is the fact that after night 2 the difficulty just goes mad, the main 2 aren't too active in night 3 but prototype milka and the shadow thing are a bit too much, I think you should've introduced the shadow thing in night 4 instead but aside from that I think it's a really fun game

this jogo is so legal man fé nas malucas shoutouts to venezuela hermano


Six Nights at The Milka's Maid Café V1

Version: 1.2.03 months ago
First complete and stable build of the game, please report any bugs you find out(temporarily, there is no phone calls but i included all the mechanics in the game file)

Welcome to Milka's Maid Café!

"Come here and have your breakfast with us, enjoy some delicious hand-made candies, have some of the best coffe in town and meet our cute and adorable feminine android characters! What could go wrong??".

You're hired as Night Guard, keep eye on cameras and ensure safety of the equipments and the android characters, also... survive?


The game graphics will be 2d hand-drawings(as you can see on the screenshots) + some 3d renders.


  • General Progress: 100%

  • Menu: 100%

  • Gameplay: 100%

  • Characters: 100%

  • Game Mechanics: 100%

  • Extra Stuff: 100%

  • New Art: 100%

Important Disclaimer:

this game doesnt have any explicit NSFW content, but contains some jokes and references about it.


me lol

#fangame #pointnclick #jokegame #fnaf #maidcafe #anime #five #nights #at #milka #maid #cafe #fnia #survival

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Themes
Strong Language

The game is finished.

yes, after 4 months i finally finished the first complete release of the game, actually it doesnt have phone calls yet, so i made an text file with the game mechanics for this version.

Once i finish them, i'll release an update


- Rosebun (previously, he was just appearing in the vent and standing there)

- Characters sprites on the front door

- Custom night system

Things i need to do is: finish the extras and (something secret)

there she is, cheese!


yes, snammc is back in development

today i finished the custom night and the "stars" thing

now im going to make sprites of the characters on the front corridor (yes, finally the game will be 90% easier)

Heya, well.. the game is almost finished as you all can see on the description.. soo, as i'm not going to make updates for a while, i decided to post an demo for you guys.

Coming tonight, stay tuned!

hey guys, yeah, its been a while since the last update i posted here.. well, i'm here to tell that due to some personal problems, im freezing the game development for a while (maybe some months) anyways, love you guys and thanks for the support! ^^

just need one, for the phonecalls

if you are interested (or if you have any recs) let me know

the way my artstyle changed during the project make it seems like a remaster

(first image is the new version)

(and the second is the old one)

fun fact: this was the first ever milka drawing i made (in 2019)

oh boy