Comments (13)
if you go in the old game map and go straight up,you will go out of bounds somewhere.
Then your teleported to a shadowy verison of the map,you will be chased by a scary shadow guy that will crash your game. Try it out yourself!
Btw,creator if you see this comment is there any other secrets (I might need their location if there is)
I Saw Thomas The Slender Engine!
those maps look good! but how the player's head moves in this game is so weird and THE AI IS BROKEN AS HELL
wow,amazing game indeed. I like the characters and how you remade the orignal slendytubbies characters.Its a very scary slendytubbies game and I really like it.But I have some issues that I would like fixed.
First: I feel the flashlight is just not bright,and the characters themselves are hard to see because the flashlight is not bright enough. So I would like the flashlight to be brighter
Second: survival and bossfight need to have different weapons other then a pistol,they feel way too hard with just a pistol
Third: Sandbox is broken,you cant move the camera and the characters AI can not be disabled (E.T.C can you add more characters to sandbox?)
Fourth: The view of the character might need a little change
Lastly: Some night maps are a little bit way too dark.
Overall: Great game and the characters are very good
I like the idea of thomas the slender engine combined with slendytubbies!
question about the game
Will the game still have Slender Tubbies characters?
Developers :
Code : Null
Textures : Null, community (main Letroll6678, Manser AKA boyo)
Composing : Null
Ideas : Community
AK47 Animations : Dughoo
Additional help : SuperBonnieStudios (has been removed for xenophobia jokes and bad ideas)
Game thumbnail : Ulizalid
Other help : Sagulik (2023)
Testing the game : letroll6678, manser, moralops.
2022 help : Siwer, aftobus2005
I'm sorry for adding these characters : Boyfriend to death 1, 2, The Price Of Flesh.
Inspired by : Slendytubbies Growing tension, Slendytubbies The Devil Among us, Killing Floor
//////////// Для противогаза
Int, это целое число которое используется в CSharp (язык программирования этой игры), оно еще использует 4 байта (теперь я знаю почему чтобы сделать много кустард в ст3 надо ставить 4 байта), А float это с десятками там по типу 3.2 5.625 и тд короче но можно не парится и вставить число как в int, например там 5, ток оно будет теперь 5.0, ну и в нем тоже 4 байта. Надеюсь противогаз будет мной доволен
(разраб шизоид)