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Super OIRAM Game V1 (Creepypasta Game)
Super OIRAM Game is a "Found Bootleg" of Super Mario world. the game was uploaded by one of the people that found it, with it, they wrote a story about it
One day, I was in my room, playing on my PC, when the doorbell rang, I went to the Door to see my friend with a Super Mario World copy in his hand. He told me he just got it, and that we should play it, so we went to my Room and got out my SNES, put the cartage in the SNES, and started the game.
When the game started, everything was normal, except that the name of the game was Super OIRAM Game instead of Super Mario World.
When we started the game, it skipped the intro, but the text: Level 1 was shown.
Another thing that was weird is that Mario’s color palette was inverted, And Mario was frustratingly hard to control, it's like it had a mind of its Own, The first level was not that hard, but it wasn’t Yoshi's island 1, but instead the title screen level. The second level was just worse, now I was playing a walking simulator, But halfway through the level, Mario was unresponsive, he just wouldn’t move. Now I had a Theory that this “Mario” game was some weird bootleg, when I explained my theory to my friend, who was thinking the same, but before we could elaborate further, the screen displayed A message that read: Why can’t I move?
Now we were on a level, but playing as Luigi from Super Mario all stars +Super Mario world.
The level was the same as the previous, but with a red background, but at the end, Mario was there, but looking away from the screen, just before Luigi could go up to Mario, Inverted Mario ran at him, and the screen turned red, with Inverted Mario very close to the screen, while playing weird noises, with the word: “HELP ME LET ME OUT” multiplying on the screen.
Now me and my friend were Convinced that something was wrong, so I asked him: “Where did you Get this game from!?!” which he said that he found it fall from a Dumpster when the trash truck picked it up, so I took out the game, Got a screwdriver, and opened the cartridge, to find the chip with multi-colored stains, with a note as well, I took out the note, and it read: -But there was more to this game, I just knew it, but I lost everything the second the cartridge entered my home, so I must toss this thing before more chaos brings my life down. -Martin Cole.
The note was cut off, but this cartridge was causing bad luck to them, so it might bring bad luck to me. I hid the cartridge in my basement, in a small box, so it can’t get out, if it can, all I know is that something happened to that Martin Cole guy, so I'm not gonna end up like them, and this is a reminder to all of you, if you find video games fall from dumpsters, or in trash cans, you shouldn’t play them, because who knows what could happen, it could be a virus, a hacked game, or something like what I got, a weird cursed bootleg.