Comments (28)
pretty dam good
Can I make a remastering of snab 1 like you did for snab 3 and angry bird is doing for snab 2?
Oh, man! You're game is so awesome! I hope you will do the same for SNaB 1, 2, 4 and 5 :)
Looks cool.
Seven Nights at Bobby's 3 Remaster

This is a fan-remaster that I made for the third game of a FNAF Fan-Game Series made in Scratch called ''Seven Nights at Bobby's''. Featuring better graphics, better mechanics and a darker atmosphere.
You can play the original game here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/143867839/
Scratch link of the game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/938080445/

You say this is the end.
You were wrong.
It has just begun.
You can hide.
You can try to escape.
But soon you will learn.
Everything has a dark side.
And you know so.
You created us.

Fan-Remake made by: Christianceara4
Original game and series by: Nicholas32704 (also known as -4thWallGaming-)
Art Style inspired by: redwhitefox7 and Zarah_Is_My_Dog
Sounds effects from: TRTF 4 Enhanced, freesounds.org and others.