
Comments (146)

What do you think?

It's pretty good. Nice short story, it takes a while to get stuff done cause you move so slow, though. Very aesthetic. Keep deving, dude.

I liked the game, but I couldn't rate it more than a 3/5. The models and style are all very cool, the music is great, the idea is just very nice. However, the game is EXTREMELY short, which is probably to make it about the right length for one video, which is fine, but I was just expecting more I guess. I understand adding more content takes a lot of time, but more could have been added. Also, while you are in the ship the oxygen mechanic was more annoying than anything. I would just carry around an oxygen tank with me and every time started getting lower on oxygen, I would just head to the oxygen refill thing and keep putting it in and taking it out until my meter was full. The mechanic didn't add anything fun to the game and didnt feel needed besides for padding. I was also kind of confused on what to do in the part where you are in space, but I think that was more of a me problem and I got it on my second try. One last thing, I feel like the game's "story" was just a bit unfulfilling. From the time I started and ended, it left no impact on me at all. I didn't really understand the ending, and was just kind of left wondering what the heck just happened. I know that they were trying to escape from a breaking space ship, and probably eventually escaped, but it was just kind of rushed and I think it could have been told better, however, thats just my opinion as I am sure there are others that enjoy the style the story was presented. Besides from that, the game was pretty good. I liked the art style and graphics, the space movement felt great in the ship, and after I got used to the movement with the fire extinguisher, the movement with that was pretty good too. Very nice job, and I look forward to seeing what you guys do in the future.

Petite vidéo pour les FR :

J'ai vu le jeu seulement en vidéo, et juste comme ça, je vois à quel point ce jeu est bien fait ! ^^
Et si je ne me trompe pas, tu as créer ce jeu en 6 mois ? Et à ce que je crois comprendre aussi, tu avais 14 ans quand tu l'as développer ?
C'est quand même pas mal d'avoir créer un jeu avec de tel graphisme et gameplay en seulement 6 mois ! Moi, je perd toujours la motivation et je ne fini jamais mes jeux... x') Mais je ne pense pas non plus pouvoir créer un jeu pareil avec Unity ! O_o
En tout cas, bravo, et surtout ne perd pas l'envie de créer des jeux ! ^^
Tu es sur la bonne voie !



Version: 1.3.0almost 8 years ago
A breathtaking experience !

Watch the Trailer : [Here]!!!

After an explosion which have killed all the other crew members of the international space station (ISS), you are alone in the station and you have to find help for go back to the earth, but the infinite space void will not help you in this task.

Spaced ? : Vous vous retrouvez seuls dans la station spatiale internationale (ISS) après une explosion qui aura subitement tuer le reste de l'équipage (6 à la base). Vos chances de survie dans la station étants faibles, vous allez devoir trouver un moyen de revenir sur terre mais toute communication étant impossible il faudra faire face au problème de taille que vous offrira le vide infini de l'espace !

Tips : [SPOILER]

if your stuck after the first explosion (inside the iss):
-try to find and use the oxygen bottles and the oxygen refiler then just wait the light to shut down.
Go to the evacuation module clic on the door then go to the switch next to the oxygen refiler and restart the power.
Go to the evacuation module and your out !

if your stuck after the second explosion (outside the iss) :
-go to the ship (soyouz) and clic on it then go find the door in the debris (that's the only rotating thing), try to take it then go back to the ship and your done !


[EN] How to download ?:

- Mac :

download the .app file and go in finder then right click on the .app file and a popup will appear and click open.

- Windows :

download the .zip folder , unzip it and go in the folder the open the Spaced.exe file and that's it.


[FR] Comment télécharger ?:

- Mac :

Téléchargez le fichier en .app puis ouvrez le avec clic droit + ouvrir.

- Windows :

Téléchargez le fichier en .zip pour décompresser le, puis allez dans le dossier extrait du zip et enfin lancez le fichier Spaced.exe


Please rate ! (that' helping me thx)
And follow the game if you want more info !

[You can comment in French or English]
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