
Comments (9)

What do you think?

dead game

Oh, hey, another fangame born! Didn't expect to ever find a newborn one, though.
Most of the OC's designs are always iffy to me and never strike me as much, but this one is different. It still looks like a regular animatronic that isn't some wild creature, quite the opposite. For some reason, you can always tell when it's a fan-designed character and not the official, guess it's the lack of experience or bad grip on og animatronic's design. But this right here is something else entirely. You got everything just right! It also feels similar to these real-life animatronics, like those at Chuck E. Cheese. Makes them more realistic, love that! Of course, that whole idea with its innards seen through this interesting hole in its head cannot go unnoticed. Really cool and interesting. Intimidating, too.. Wonder what's the deal with this thing is.
And renders of various places of this location? They are so neat! I can't wait for more, this is great! Best of luck, Trabiant Games, you got it!

This looks so great!!! I really hope development is going well

pervious comment was dumb so it has been redacted

When is "The when" coming out then??

Hi! This is the indie company Trabiant Games. We are pleased to announce that we have announced our 1st and largest project - THE AFTER. We do not want to disclose details yet, but we do not want to leave you without information either, so new teasers will be released every 1-2 weeks. And closer to January, the 1st teaser-trailer will be released. If you want to support us:

#horror #other #scifi

Realistic Bloodshed

Finally, 3D Model the main character James Eastwood is ready


Sorry there has been no news for so long. I was busy :/

Hi everyone! The development of our project does not stand still. So within the next month First Alpha-version of the game will be released.

In progress

First Alpha Soon...

Redesigned Office (I forgot remove HUD *_*)

