Comments (2)
is this game still coming?
release date?
Mountain Dew it
guys. I
Those nights at fredbears!
Ok, So It's like... A decompilation.
I have reconstructed and rebuilt, Those nights at Fred Bears. off of Files, Of decompilation
I've spent 5 months recreating it... So.. this build is a bit broken because, Still putting in real files
420 Blaze It, Fidghet Spinner, #BlazeIt
Ok so this is basiacl. y those nights at fre bears, Using a few elements. From the Real game, I've donme all the mesurments and stuff so It shiuld be good, A demo is out now
to do
find floor text ure.
Fix Cloth
Extract wood substance texture from usaf
Do Map.
Extract more, Contact guy who has tnaf
Mild Realistic Violence
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