Comments (4)
ahoi mein freund und tausend dank fürs game. macht immer fun ;) grüßle great game
This game is actually really good and it actually gave me an idea for the next Baldi's basic mod which I will call it "TheOswaldMovie basic in party and making games" which I might need to take some asset and sound from this game and also some asset from NEWTheOswaldMovie game to use it for my mod but I will gave a credit to the owner for the asset and sound on the page after I released it.
The Night at Oswald's Disco (Original)
Why am i making this game?
Because Oswald won a bet.
The Bet was to complete the whole game (ONaSJ 2 Remake DX)
So Oswald won and i lost the bet.
So that´s why this am i making this game.
There was one dude who is a big fan of Oswald. One day Oswald opened his Disco. The Big Fan chatted one time with Oswald that his Disco is really bad. Oswald was super mad about him, his plan was to catch the big fan and playing with him. Will he survive?
The Night at Oswald´s Disco