
Comments (27)

What do you think?

Great game , One of the best RPG games i've played in a long time :)

What does the MaxAP stat do?

The game crashes whenever I try to go to another screen after I have already done it one so I have to save in every new screen after clearing it close the game and relaunch it. Which worked until the cutscene after fighting the Dr. now I can't even get past the cutscene.

hmm? this isn't the first game of this series there was one before this.
where orcs took over a village and some girl was a imp slave and you could not enter a castle. and the map linear in the shape of a square. (the rest is vague)

was that game scrapped?

Somtimes the game crashes when i try to go to another screen


Uzi's Drugged Adventures Game (Large)

Version: 0.2.0about 9 years ago
Does NOT require RPG Maker VX Ace Run Time Package to run.

Uzi's Drugged Adventures Game (Small)

Version: 0.2.0about 9 years ago
Requires RPG Maker VX Ace Run Time Package to run.

Summary: Uzi is a crazy little fixer that is addicted to pretty much every drug she can get her hands on. But how did she get this way? Nobody knows. The truth lies deep with in her mind. Even though she doesn't care to know the truth, the truth wants to be heard. After getting high, Uzi falls into one of her delusional states. But this time her mind has plans for her. It wants her to remember that which she had forced herself to forget.

Delusion Summary: In this adventure you must try to save the king from the crazy Dr. Uranus. Hints of her past linger around every corner, but will she even notice them? Or is the reward that the Queen promised her the only thing she can think about?

Gameplay: The game is like a Zelda shooter. Enemies won't attack you unless they see you. Different enemies have different ranges of view. Some enemies you'll want to kill before they see you, others you will want to avoid all together. There's a LOT to do, including 20 achievements.

Playtime: 5+ hours for that main story. Probably 3+ hours for the post game and achievements.


[Z] = Yes
[X] = No / Menu
[A] = Shoot
[S] = Change Skill
[Shift] - Sprint (Only works in locations that don't contain enemies)

Known Issues: Enemies and villagers spawn locations are random. So if you save in a village where villagers can spawn there is a small chance you will spawn on them and get stuck. This is not a big deal. Just quit and reopen the save. They change there position every time you open the map.

At this point in time most humans are made in a lab. There are mainly 3 types of humans that are made, one of them is known as a Fixer. Fixers are short, but very intelligent. They are designed to work in the maintenance area of ships. Since they’re only 4.5 feet tall, the ship designers can save money by making the maintenance areas smaller. Also, having smaller hands helps when working with smaller equipment.

Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Brief Nudity
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor
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