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Ultimate Rock's Night

Version: 1.0.0about 1 month ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

This is an Ultimate Custom Night styled fnaf fangame of my fnaf series called "Five Nights At The Rock". This is the final game in the series.


The rock:

He will walk towards your left door through the left hallway. If you dont see him, close the left door.


If you see his eye glowing in the right doorway, close it.


He will be resting in the right hallway closet and his music box will be playing. If you dont hear the music box playing on cam 5, reboot it.


If you hear his laughter, close the left vent


He will be slowly going over to your backdoor vent. Shock him to make him go back. If you shock him whilst hes not even close, he will get angrier and angrier.

Scrapped Rizzking

Same as rizzking, but on the left door.

Scrapped Gigachad

His broken music box will be playing in the hallway hes in. If you hear him running down the hallway, close the corresponding door to the hallway hes in.

Dreaded Cat

He will be standing behind you and inching his way closer to you. If you feel hes getting too close, shock him. Do not shock him if he is far away.

Annoy Orange

If you hear him say "hey apple" he will be on one of the ten cameras. Flash him before he finishes singing or else he will kill you.


If you see him in the right vent, close it.

Hallucinated Rock

He will be in the system 2 vents. If he gets to one of your left or right ventways, close it.

Hallucinated Rizzking

He will be crawling towards you through your middle vent. If he gets too close, close it.

Hallucinated Gigachad

Same as H. Rock, but he is barely visible when scanning.

Hallucinated Orange

He will become more and more visible and more and more loud the more you look at system 1. If you have cameras down, he will become less and less visible, but if you're on system 2 or 3, he will not become more visible nor will be fade away more. If hes 100% visible he will destroy the camera system.


If he appears on your cameras, close it immediately, or else he will destroy the camera system he is on.


If he appears in your middle vent, close it. Or else he will make a very loud noise.

Shattered Cat

You will need to repair him on cam system 3 overtime. If he is not fully repaired by 6am, he will kill you.

The Delusioned

If one appears in your office, just use your flashlight on them.


It will emit a very loud static sound. Click the button on the tv to turn it off.


His skip button will appear randomly on your screen. Click it to make it go away, if you dont, phone guy will begin talking, making some noise.


AG Repel - Will stop AG from attacking.

Bigger Budget - Your power will start at 115%

Double AA Batteries - All your cam systems's power will start at 150%

Triple AAA Batteries - Rebooting a system will only take 3 seconds instead of 5

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor

The Gamepage, As you can see, is finally out! I will post updates on the game development here! But since the game is already almost done, expect a release date for a trailer or the game!
