Comments (9)
I know there is a low chance of somenody answering me but, when i play with a team, how do i switch characters?...
i cant use controller
Ultimate Sonic Fighter Remaster - SAGE 2024
Ultimate Sonic Fighter Remaster
Ultimate Sonic Fighter
This game is a celebration to the 25 years of Sonic, it is a game of fighting in 2d with stages stageside cuts, its gameplay is frantic and estreamente fast and simple able to catch the movements quickly of the game.
It also counts on a mode called of Classic mode where you can play with 2 players simultaneously or up to 4 players in turns, the game uses the sonic advance style of gba as sprite base, also has soundtrack of each character of the series while fighting against him his music theme will play together like phase music.
The phases are random to take better advantage of the track and the presence that rival deternimado presents itself to you in battle,this game is full.
#Sonic #SAGE2017 #fangame #action #arcade #multiplayer #retro