Comments (3)
I see promise i guess
yet another sans fangame who Is a murshup of other famous undertale sans stuff
this time we have time paradox and call of the void boys
with Just a bit of tears In the rain
let's give to this upcoming shit without story and no context why sans fight you some love!
"I would not be recording this if it weren't for that machine in my lab room."
Hello and welcome to: UnderTale: ETERNAL TIMELINE
This game is a 3 phase fight about 3 sans' from 3 different Undertale timelines: the pacifist, the neutral, and the genocide timeline, all coming together to defeat you once and for all. Fun little Easter-Eggs included!
-The team currently consists of-
NoFace Music (@Noface2233 ) - Game Owner, Writer, Musician, artist
ehE_ (@ehE_) - Coder
TTC_1963 (@TimeTravelingCapsule) - Writer, Spriter, Artist
-Special thanks to-
Toby fox - For creating Undertale
You for playing the game reading this description!
We are looking for a lot more people, such as musicians, coders (for GMS2), and maybe another artist, please feel free to ask to join in our comments!
#undertale #fangame #action #adventure #scifi #other #arcade #survival