
Comments (2)

What do you think?

its cancelled :C? ah fuck

Be prepared for 31st October 2017

Not all scars heal with time... Come and join us...

We are making a slow return

We'll play a game... you will soon join us... our pain shall be sealed in your soul...

Your time is running out...

So basically I'll be working on Project: Hell until Halloween (October 31st), I'm adding things such as:

  • New abilities

  • Weapons

  • Characters

  • Music

  • Progress videos which can be found on my channel

  • Character codes

  • More Areas

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Funny thing and Mac update

Ok so, a funny thing is… I published 1.15 EXACTLY on 1:15 PM XD. Also, mac will take a while to be uploaded.

Sorry, no devlog

1.15 Devlog 2

Ok so, here is what has been going on:
I have added another trophy, fixed the story (making it FULLY compatible with the female character), added more to Linteen Town, changed ALL the icons and made some more. CYA!

Update devlog

Expect a devlog later with what I have done, since I have to go to school (and I have been busy with my book and website (which can be found here See ya then!

1.15 Devlog 1

1.15 Release date

1.15 Should come out on 10/12/16, this Saturday, 2.0 is CONFIRMED to come out on 24/12/16 or 25/12/16, most likely Christmas Eve. That’s all, G’night!

Bug Found Again

For those who have downloaded the newest version (no-one), I have found a chat bug which I have fixed, expect it to be removed in the next version.

We're back!

My DevTeam and I (So far just me and, like, 2 friends) are back!
I am back into developing “daily”
I am going to get to work on changing some things in Yentro Town. I’ll see you… next time. BAI!

How to join my GameDev team: DemonProductions

Here it is!