
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Let's Play? Let's Play!

Neat game. I included it in my Asylum Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out.


I playes through this game twice and got both endings. Its a pretty intresting idea and I thought it was made fairly well. One suggestion if you do ever do a major update is to make some of the character lines a bit more realistic sounding in the part where the girl is found dead and they all blame you. Good job! And also... Beep.

So if you decide to go with the dude to look for the chick and he follows you around well the mechanics of him not getting out of the way sorta sucks. I had to restart the game because I got stuck between the trees and him. BUT besides that the game is pretty good. Great job.



A Heart's Discontent (AsylumJam 2015)

Version: 1.0.0over 9 years ago

A Heart's Discontent

Version: 2.0.0over 9 years ago


A quick story driven game that has been created for the 2015 AsylumJam. This game was created in approximetly 17 hours and a half (not non-stop) and can be easily completed within 15 to 20 minutes.

We hope you enjoy this game and rate it so we can know what you think and what we should do in terms of making your experience better. Please feel free to post comments, questions, concerns and requests in the comment section below.

Have a great day,

The Shadow Network

Link to the game page on AsylumJam:

#Trophies #Achievements #RPG

Table of Content

  • Meet The Characters!

  • Version 2.0.0

  • Upcoming Patch

Meet The Characters!


Costume: Wizard.
Hobbies: Role-Playing, video-games and cooking.
Interests: Psychological torture.
Bio: Andrew has been an introvert most of his life until recently. He is new to the 'outside world'. Things all seemed to go fine until the day he joined the Yellow Flame Occult.


Costume: Angel.
Hobbies: Singing and basket ball.
Interests: Bio-Chemical Engineering.
Bio: Emily is as active as they get. Good looks and an explosive brain, emphasis on explosive.


Costume: Gunner.
Hobbies: Survival Games.
Interests: Guns and history.
Bio: Erica is a master with a gun. Spending hours upon hours at the shooting range only allowed her to improve her aim to a master level. It may already be game over if she catches you in her scope.


Costume: Scientist.
Hobbies: Experimentation.
Interests: History, Black Magic, Science and Construction.
Bio: James is a member of the YorkShine family; one of the wealthist families around. Since the age of 14, James loved to take things apart and create new things out of the parts. His creations may be the end of him one day.


Costume: General.
Hobbies: Fishing, Survival Games and Racing.
Interests: Guns, cars and shopping.
Bio: Rebbecca comes from a military family and is expecte to inhert the family's line of work. She spends most of her days within the fences of a boot camp and races with her colleges during the night. She is a fast one, and is armed.


Costume: Robot.
Hobbies: Building small robots.
Interests: Robotics and AI engineering.
Bio: Ever since last year's halloween, Sebastian w ... Beep.

Version 2.0.0

On The Game Page

  • Meet the gang! (A small bio section of each in-game human character).

In The Game

  • Ability to interact with some objects and windows in Erica's home.

  • The Pier's sunset red filter was removed.

  • Interactions were added to the benches in the Pier.

  • The insta-teleport to the camp site was not initially planned but actually was a bug; it has been fixed-ish.

  • Some more interactions were added on the island.

  • Ava's meowing has been added in properly.

  • The lodge may be entered as the game progresses.

  • Door interaction on the estate was changed to show the way it is locked and that you are trespassing (naughty you :p).

  • The "looks deep" joke is still there as an Easter Egg in honor to Berick Cook [He did an awesome Let's Play of this game as well as other awesome YouTubers! Thank you guys so much!].

  • Roadblock Andrew will remain roadblock Andrew >:} He never was meant to help you >:} (good luck evading him, it is possible [just keep holding shift while going up and down and a gap will emerge :p]).

  • The conversation between Emily, Erica and Andrew was altered a bit to make Andrew's part in the story a bit clearer.

Upcoming Patch

  • Map will be tweaked a bit to help with the Andrew Challenge.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
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