
Comments (36)

What do you think?

this game curred my deppresion

this game made me fuckin ballin'

this game is a train ride if the train was on fire and mostly made of lava and i don't understand how people beat this i guess i have problems.


this game was so much better than i expected it to be, i'm excited for the update


(Please Do NOT take this game personally, it's a half serious and joke game so don't take it personally)


Welcome to Ray in the wild page:

This is a game that it's purely half joke and serious game, you won't to be disappointed for trying it out

It's almost being like a Friends group project where all of the group teamed up on making it together


There is two friends who called Raytheree and specter was driving over into the wild, however the one who was driving(specter) accidentally fucked up and he crash into the wild, now you have to survive from this crazy wild until you find a way to run away from wild(they also called their friend JCCO2468 to come over here for help), it's too dangerous to stay here so run away as soon as possible

  • A Good Doggy with two epic bois and some other bois you will find out about them when you drive into this game more

  • A ton of levels that has an experience of suffer fun and different difficultly

  • Trophies room!(Ft. Broken Drion and Drion McDroy)

  • A hidden Christmas special level(Ft. Wendigo)

  • Boss battles

  • Settings

  • Etc...

And a surprise await on it

#other #action #adventure #fnaf


News: the exclusive rewards and stuff update for beating the "crossgame quest" in A Half Shift with a Castro is out now!

Fixes a major bug involving the final act of hard mode.

Adds a checkpoint in act 0 and fixes the fullscreen.

About the hidden Christmas event level

Fixes a minor bug.

NEWS: we are done with beta testing and rn we are fixing the bugs and will release it soon

Quick note: the game is finished and is now on beta testing.

oh hey finally some news after long time

Something Malek wanted us to post here, so ya'll understand it, wish him luck.

Apparently this thing will probably comes out in 2021 in the 3th day of the first month or something