Comments (4)
I played the game! Here you go
Hey! I'm a little stuck if you could help me it'd be great
I'm stuck in the lab when I have to put the dark matter in the glass, I just can't figure out what order to put them in
In a future world, people are evolving into having telekinetic powers. Shunned by society, the government has ordered for their execution. These people are known as "Empyreans". A weapons scientist, Dr Winder developed the modern weaponry to fight against these telepaths.
Cleris Apocyle advocates for equal rights amongst all. He is captured by the government. Aided by the Empyreans themselves, Alice Winder sets out to find her friend. She finds out her destiny is much greater in this tale. As she rises to power, she realizes more and more she might not be able to save her friend Cleris in time in the face of their oppressive government.
Made in three days, during the LUDUM DARE jam. Not 31 though...this turned into its own thing. Additional polish added.
Game design/story/programming/character art: natadecoco
Environment: darkervirtue
music: Joel Steudler
All assets + battle systems credited within game.