
Comments (11)

What do you think?

This game is pretty good.

This is adorable! Love the character design, love the giant hand that gives our foxy hero his hat and piccolo, (mostly) love the platforming aspect of it and love having to find all the wee birds on each level before moving on!

If this becomes a full-on project I'd love to see some story woven into the mechanics between each level, perhaps some challenges aside from bird hunting and maybe some not quite as torturous jumps haha!

All in all a cracking start to what could be a cracking game! Keep up the awesome work! =)

I love the art. :-) A nice game.

On first play through, I didn't know the keys to press where Z,X,C. Only found out after reading the dev log. Anyways, I like the game mechanic! there's no fighting, just music! <3


Bard's Lesson is a platform game in which you help a bard fox in his journey to become a maestro by mastering music notation. Rowan, the fox, plays a piccolo and want to learn how to play it through the whistles of the birbs of the florest.


Core Mechanics

To complete each level you must find and match every note of the staff using the time measure to deduce how many are yet to be found, birds sometimes are hidden, so you'll have to match'em all!



This project is currently, and will mostly be, under development, the version 1.0.0 is a part of the #1GAM challenge, so it was made in less then one month!

As an open source project by Pigdev Studio, if you are a game developer you can make a contribution to the project! Remember, the assets are also free to use as is the code, so you can fork the game and make your own version, you can even sell it if you want.

But you don't need to be an expert game developer to make this project grow better and improve the game experience. Here are some ways you can contribute to this project:

Also, check out Staircase Studios responsible for the background music! Thank you guys <3

That's it, keep developing and until the next time!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!