Comments (16)
Haven't seen this style of game very often
Gets really hectic and fun in later waves
I like how the gun fires in beat with the music
Enemies get pretty varied
Screen is full of different colours
Base music really isn't good
Going off the edge of the screen was not a good idea
Very lacking content wise
Overall a 3.5/5 (4/5). Fun game, but it could definately be better
Really nice beat! I included it in part 39 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Music got repetitive after a wile. A killing a enemy sound would have added a great deal to the game. Also more backgrounds would also have been great or not a repeting backeround. Also a minimap would also have been great because more then twice i found my self stuck at a wave because i could not have found the last enemy. More wepon and and enemy variety would be nice. The gameplay gets repetitive after 10 waves and there isnt anything that makes me what to reply to get a higher score because there isnt a killing enymy sound. The music that was there great but it needed more music the 10 second loop if your not firing a gun gets boring fast and the thing with the firing a gun every wave adds a new sound furing the music was more of a pain then any thing else when the waves get long. The game that was there was fun but it didnt have much content.
Things to fix: Just add more music more backgrounds or dont make the current background repeting, add a killing a enemy sound, minimap too that shows were enemys are and the maps boundries. Also the map boundries were fuzzy and I got lost many a time. Add more weapon viraty and and enemy weapon and more types of enemys too. And just add more content!
Conclusion: The core elements of the game is fun but it remidnes me of a tech demo more than a full game. The game in all in pritty barebones and if you just add more things this game can be a 4/5.
But for now I have to say is add more things.
Final Verdict: 3/5 Needs more things
There's a great concept here, but the execution is a bit shoddy. If I don't keep fire pressed all the time, the thing with the music won't work as well. If I do, the music might not even be tied to my shooting to begin with. Solution? Make the player shoot always, no button press required. Build upon this, I love it. Oh, also:
action number 1
of Key Press Event for <Space> Key
for object obj_insert_token:
Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get 100001.score_var(100036, -2147483648)
at gml_Object_obj_insert_token_KeyPress_32
Great stuff tho, I'll be following this closely. If you want help with anything, hit me up, as my entry is quite similar to what you've been going for:
Lovely graphics and gameplay. I love how the weapon effects the music. Unfortunately I too had problems with the game crashing while submitting scores. Fun game though. :D
Beat Down
A game where your gun shoots with the beat. Defeat waves and waves of neon colored enemies in this new classic rythmn game. This reimagining of a Chroma like game is sure to have you dancing around the house for many days. #indiesvsgamers