
Comments (15)

What do you think?


I want the moed

I want the moed

i cant see the downlodo betten dude is the mod out

I want the moed


Cataclysmic demo: Lemonade Fix

Version: 0.1.1about 1 month ago
fixes the modchart bug in backyard adds a new song (unlocked by typing "limon" in tuition)

Cataclysmic Demo

Version: 0.1.0about 1 month ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs


#fnf #fangame #bambi #dave #daveandbambi #idk #uhhi

if you want to help on this mod, contact: (thats my discord lmao)

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor

every song in the mod. (censored ones are a surprise for the demo.)

every song on broken universe is finished. (alpha/demo)

ya'll will not believe how awesome reality is, anyways i only need to make true expunged song now, meanwhile have the design for true expunged and unfair expunged

in the first alpha this mod will only be a bambis purgatory like thing, no special things, just a "chill" mod.

three dimentional is for dave
Stealed is for bambi
Midnight is for tristan
Advantage is for cheating expunged

deleted all scrapped songs. and posted new ones for ya'll to see the quality of my songs now.

the alpha is coming. (i only need to make the assets for true expunged and cheating expunged, bg's, i need to chart all songs, and only 2 songs to be made.) also reality is not reality breaking thing

forget it, quissistence is scrapped

when the bamb

some charactes + scrapped loading screen idea