Comments (8)
I enjoyed this, but I had a hard time convinsing snow white to eat my apple. lolz A Tough Sell - YouTube
I was basic and a little hard to figure out, but overall I liked it.
Youtube: FellowPlayer
I absolutely enjoyed it, but I feel the same about the RNG in this game as the others. However, the concept is really cool and I look forward to as this grows or any future installment you're planning :D
Game looks really good, however, it is too random. Found it similar to your rock paper scissors game.
Nice game but the difficulties are too random
Can You Make It Out Alive?
Can You Make It Out Alive Remastered
This is a game/demo I started making once I started my 'Homeless' Project as this game has all the code and such that will be implemented into that game but this game is merely a test to see how I can make it happen. Some features won't be in it but most will. This game is hard and it is meant to me. I may make it a bit easier as I have done alot of I finished the game as it was near impossible.
Game Features
Random Amount of Days to survive to vary play each time
Random amount of supplies so your first day is never the same...Mostly
Relatively Hard
Possible Features
Different Modes
Bigger Scenarios
****More Scenarios****
More Characters
**More Resources**
More Fun
If you have any ideas for features comment down below and I will take them into account!