Game Rules
Preparation Rule
*Each player starts the game with 100 MoraleÂ
*Each player starts with a deck of 30Â
*From the deck each player receives 5 random cards has his initial hand.Â
*You are the active player. You can draws one card from your deck but you cannot attack in first turn.
*Your opponent Draw card in his turn and attack to compensate him for not playing the first turn
Basic Gameplay Rule
The active player draws a random card from his deck.Â
The active player can play as cards as he can afford.Â
If the player or opponent players Morale drops to zero the player with Morale is higher than zero wins the game.Â
If the player or opponent players Deck drops to zero the player with Deck is higher than zero wins the game.Â
If the player simply doesn't want to play another card he can end his turn, and the opponent player becomes active.Â
Soldier Card Rule
Let players choose to play cards either as immediate damage Attacks or as Soldier that are put on the board instead.Â
Soldier card will defend themselves in the same way when target or attacked by another Soldier according to its effect.Â
When a Soldier card is less than the attacking Soldier it is removed from the board.Â
After a Soldier declare Attack they become grey
Soldier Unit
There are 7 Type of Soldier Card. Commando, Sniper, Medic, Paratroopers, Tanker, Airforce, Marines