
Comments (8)

What do you think?

10 зиг из 10

this game give me many bugs i can't play them :(

Is this rip-off boring man?


10 (не)защищенных координат из 10

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Thrash-Power Mix

Code: Destroy or Defeat - a multiplayer 2D shooter with elements of the sandbox, inheriting many traditions of classic shooters, such as Quake, Half-Life. Graphics in the game are drawn in the vector art-style, and the gameplay is accompanied with heavy-metal soundtrack . Multiplayer works through a single server with a lobby system, which allows you to play with your friends over the Internet without having to start your server and open ports. CDoD is in active development, so you can recommend any feature to add, this will support the development a lot.


#multiplayer #shooter #platformer #action #cdod

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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