Comments (24)
Me Want This But Me Have No Money :C
I hope the game will be as good as Dusttale. ;)
I wish this was free
In short, Apple’s security measures have increased to such a degree over years of updates that at this point, Macs on newer version of macOS will simply say “The App can’t be opened.” when you download an app from a source that is not trusted by Apple like Gamejolt. (Apps run through Steam on Mac, for example, because they are trusted as Steam is trusted). So to fix this you have to change the security settings of the app. To do this:
1) Log onto the administrator account on your Mac. (From some testing, I believe this is necessary)
2) Make sure the Color Soul Memories app is on your Desktop and not somewhere else!!!
3) Open Terminal
4) Type or copy paste this command and press enter:
cd Desktop
5) Type or copy paste this command and press enter:
chmod +x 'Color Soul Memories'.app/Contents/MacOS/'Color Soul Memories'
6) Close Terminal. Right-click the Color Soul Memories application. DO NOT double-click to open! After right clicking, it’ll warn you it’s not from a registered developer. Click Open anyway. Then it will run. IF IT GIVES AN ERROR, proceed to step 7.
7) Open System Settings and click "Privacy & Security".
8) Scroll to the bottom. It should warn you that Color Soul Memories was blocked from use because its from an unidentified developer. Click Open anyway. Then open the application again and click open anyway, again.
Unfortunately this is something that the user HAS to do on their end. It’s annoying to have extra steps, but I have no control over Apples security measures when you download from a site like Gamejolt. Sorry!
I must say this was quite an interesting game, it does really set it's self apart from most others with it's tone and style. The presentation is pretty great and all the characters do have some nice charm. The gameplay switching genres is also pretty cool too.
I will give a review on each area of the game and also point out some flaws with the game that do set it back a bit.
Blue Village:
By far the best area in the game, you have a nice village to explore, a nice background about the place and a mini game, all within 5 mins of playing. One thing I especially like is how emphasized the problem is in the blue village, you hear about these tax collectors that work under a beast living in a cave. And then you get to see them in action threatening the people in the village, and then the one person you helped catch fish for, completely gaslights you and gets the tax collectors to throw you in the slammer. That was pretty well executed in my opinion. The rest of the area is not too notable aside from exploring the dark cave which has nice atmosphere but I like rock section at the end. I do find it odd that every guard was just working under the beast just because they feared him and that when you defeat him, they all just give up on staying loyal to him. Perhaps there could have been one guard who decided to still follow the beast and decide to abandon everyone else. I do also find the disappearance of the old man odd, I believe he could have ran away when you beat the beast or got killed by the defected guards for gaslighting you. Either way I would have liked to see him again. Overall it was a very strong area in the game and set good first impressions for me.
Red Volcano:
It's... Alright I guess? The idea of the area is great but I think it really has some missed potential, you're trying to help a clan that apparently has a king that abandoned them for no reason while he took the power crystal that would stop the volcano from erupting. You then have to train in combat to go and face him. I do think the new battles are cool although could have had a bit more depth thrown in like some extra moves for the enemies. Now as for the King, he's kind of bland, he ran away from his clan with the crystal that could make a volcano end his entire clan and such, all because of just "life"? I kind of wish it was explained why he actually left, maybe the darkness in this game messed with his mind or something. But moving on and after defeating him. I think the main flaw with this area is that it's main conflict, isn't really emphasized, you have the volcano about to explode, but once you touch the crystal. The area just goes back to normal as if the volcano was never even close to exploding which feels really underwhelming, I would have imagined you would run back to the start and put the crystal back while the volcano erupted and spewed rocks and lava at you, I understand you would want to keep the battle theme, but I don't think mixing in a rock segment would be too bad. Anyways the area overall wasn't that bad, but clearly had missed potential that could have been utilized.
Yellow Desert:
Pretty meh to be honest, it starts out pretty promising and ambitious, but eventually just turns into puzzle tablet after puzzle tablet while looking for pieces to a shard to help cure someone. I understand wanting to put emphasis on puzzles, but I think it was quite over done here and there could have been other things to do while obtaining the pieces. There's nothing else really too notable in the area unless the darkness secret is there which I haven't found yet, if it is that's pretty cool. I will actually talk about the darkness a bit later. This area also seems to have the same issue as Red Volcano where the main conflict (The Grandma with a disease) just ceases to exist after you get the crystal and it's not empathized as you find the shards. Anyways the area as a whole could have used some reworking with how you progressed to get the shards.
Now for the end of the game, it's cool you get to explore the other old man's house and such. But I think it would have been really cool to go back into other area so they could hear what you have done for other areas, it would really make you have a better connection with these places. And now for the end scene, the message it gives is pretty nice and I really like it. I do think the darkness really could have been used more in the story, like maybe beyond the secret they could have had some more presence in the end of the game, hell even a character in Red Volcano mentions them, which it feels like potential is being missed.
In conclusion, this is a very fine game you made and a very significant improvement over Dusttale in terms of writing. It stands from most games and it really shows, that said it does have it's flaws and missed potential like I have mentioned, but it is still a really nice experience and I would recommend to those who really want to try a game that feels unique.
Game Soundtrack
Title Screen
- 1.Title Screen
- 2.From The Darkness
- 3.Equilateral
- 4.Blue
- 5.Golden Fish
- 6.Hexagons
- 7.The Cave
- 8.Escape
- 9.Yellow
- 10.Crystal Oasis
- 11.Void
- 12.Training Grounds
- 13.A Sword
- 14.Red
- 15.Chosen
A Unique Stylized World
With its simplistic, yet pleasing, artstyle and top-down RPG style exploration, Color Soul: Memories achieves something that not all games can. By completing quests and unlocking the primary colors, the world will change from black and white to fully colored throughout the course of the story.

Discover Who You Are
With no recollection of who you are or where you are from, you only have one option. Forward. Piece together what happened to you and dive into the lore by interacting with the many characters of the world.

Play a Variety of Minigames
From collecting as many fish as you can, to solving temple puzzles, to fighting enemies with bullet-hell inspired gameplay, this game keeps it fresh through its diverse set of minigames.

Secrets to Discover
Inside this world of shapes and colors lies its secrets. This person likes to teleport, but if you search around for him in just the right way, you may find him again. Maybe multiple times.

With its fully realized soundtrack, lore, minigames, unique artstyle and three color-coded areas to explore, this game has something for everyone. Short and sweet, Color Soul: Memories is a densely-packed experience that is sure to set itself apart from the average video game.
#colors #puzzle #stylized #shapes #adventure #minigames #simplistic #soul #memories #indiegame #casual #madewithunity #indie #other #rpg #action #controllersupport #achievements
Cartoon Violence