Comments (4)
Just make Demo And put Me the Game i Dio
wheres the game
What's the full roster?
CrossForce is a MUGEN based giant crossover game with a focus on highspeed action combat. Fight as your favorite characters from Sonic the Hedgehog, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, and MANY more.
Arrow Keys: Movement
A: Light Attack/Combo
S: Heavy Attack/Combo
D: Ranged Attack/Alternate Combo
Q: Ult/Transformation 1
W: Ult/Transformation 2
E: Ult/Transformation 3
Enter: Charge/Taunt
(some characters use down-d to charge, but its much slower than most characters charge abilities)
Recommended Xbox Controls:
Left Stick: Movement
X: Light Attack/Combo
Y: Heavy Attack/Combo
B: Ranged Attack/Alternate Combo
LB: Ult/Transformation 1
RB: Ult/Transformation 2
RT: Ult/Transformation 3
Start: Charge/Taunt
(some characters use down-b to charge, but its much slower than most characters charge abilities)