
Comments (253)

What do you think?

Finally some quality around here, great job! :D

Very glad subtitles got added, they're a big help. Now I'm stuck on Night 4... I've read the tips left by others in the comments but it still seems insanely hard.

The game really wants you to focus on every animatronic's position on every camera, but also tries to make this very hard with the map/camera system. It's near impossible for me to keep track of two speedy animatronics at once, let alone three, and later four of course. I have to keep track of Chica wherever she goes so I know when she leaves, but then Foxy disappears in a split second while I'm worrying about her and there's nothing I can do to fix that.

Then I have no time for Bonnie who apparently has sound cues but they're very confusing to me. Sometimes there are directional footsteps, but only sometimes, other times it seems like he just makes metal tinkling, or a different metal tinkling that is hard to distinguish, without footsteps, and if I'm keeping track of the other two animatronics and not him then I have to close both doors and hope that he's there. There are a great amount of sound cues in this game but none I can properly attribute to specific events because how would I know which ones match what?

Foxy also isn't explained well at all and I'm not sure how anyone is supposed to figure him out on their own given he has like five locations he disappears to immediately? And I've only ever seen him at one of them somehow? Every other time he kills me without showing up at any of them? Everyone else is beating the game though so I guess I'm just bad. I'd appreciate someone giving me tips

"As if my life gives me opportunity, I'll see you in Custody 2"

This gives me hope, live life to the fullest, and thank you for making this game!

graphics: 10/10

mechanics: 9/10

models: 7/10

dificulty: 95% (very hard)

final rate: 8/10

night 3 is very hard xd

Oh Bro, I just loved everything so far in the game
it's already my favorite fan game
and I can't wait how good this game will be when the release come :D



Version: 1.2.0almost 4 years ago
The full Custody experience

The year is 1988, one year passed since the close of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria and The Bite of '87, Fazbear Entertainment has shipped their old and withered animatronics to be repaired, for the reopening of Freddy's.

The shipment company is run by the government of the United Estates of America and it needs security guards for the night shift.

Can you survive 5 whole nights with deadly animatronics enclosed with you, and try to discover a conspiracy that can change the course of an entire country?


This is a "Classic" FNAF Fan game with the following content

  • 5 Main Nights

  • 1 Free Roam Night, and Custom Night

  • Extras

  • 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon or equivalent

  • 1 GB or 2 GBs of RAM

  • DirectX Versión 9.0

  • Language: English

This is a Fangame based on Scott Cawthon's games, all the rights belong to him and not me. If you like the game, like and follow the game, and if you want share it with your friends or content creators!

#fangame #horror #pointnclick #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

Hello Guys!

It's finally done! Now you can download the full game and enjoy it!

Please if you find a bug, report it so it can be fixed as soon as possible.

Anyway, thank you guys for the support! And i'm looking forward to your critics!

Custody's Intro cutscene

(Had to uploaded to youtube, gamejolt did't let me upload it)


Hello guys!

I've been working in the last few details of the game, and it's ready but i'm wating for a friend to send me some audio files to add to the game.

Meanwhile, i'm uploading a cutscene i made for the game

So stay tunned for the release!

Hello guys!

Sorry for the inactivity, but i've been working hard on the game. It's almost done! I just need to record the last phone calls and it's ready to realese to the public. While i'm doing that i'm going to update a bit the home page of the game.

Hely Guys!

I've just released a new version of the demo with some improvements:

- Shorter nights

- Indicators

- Mute call button

- Power Usage adjusted

- Added a message at the end of the demo

Keep sending me your opinions, and have a nice day!



After some testing and a complete analysis of my computer and the .exe file of the game, i found no viruses. I'm uploading the game again, and if anyone has problems, let me know as fast as posible.

Hello guys! One of you guys told me that his antivirus keeps notifying a virus. So i remove the demo until i fix it. Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience

Hello Guys! Sorry for the inactivity (Collage, final exams, etc) But i'm realising a demo so you can get a taste of what the game will be like. The game is nearly finish but it needs a bit more of coding.

I'm looking foward to your reviews and critics!

What up guys!

I'm done with exams for some weeks, so i'll continue to work in the game. I'm slowly getting to the release, today i'm coding the custom night and i had to design the menu, and i had the idea to share this WIP to you guys!

Thank you guys for the 100 followers!

When i posted this game i didn't expect this support, next week i'm sitting for 2 exams at collage, so i won't be able to work a lot, but I leave these for you guys

Thanks a LOT!