Comments (5)
You cancel the game ??
Yeah.... XD
Hey Guys its me Alpaca Like were in the making of the game right now
we work hard on getting the story match with the game itself we
gonna relese some content soon so stay up for it :D
Tip for the game for now :
Just try and imagine the character as if it was you and get onto his mind :D
I cant say anymore beacuse ma partner gunna kill me (Lightchi)..
Thank for the support and the follow if youll keet it like that well try and upload some screen shots :3
This will be a game, which you tell me how to develop,
For example, what enemies should there be? is there one? or many?
How should the save system work? autosave? some kind of shrine?
And stuff like that, the only thing I need guys is your support,
Ill start posting some question, and I would like you to answer them,
That way, Ill dev a game that is fun to play because... umm reasons...