Comments (9)
Simple but so well done. I included it in part 2 of my Community Jam compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Neat concept and some nice puzzle design. Just a heads up, I found a level with invisible floors that appeared when the buttons were pressed, not sure if that was intentional or not.
Please check out my entry for #communityjam15 if you haven't already: http://gamejolt.com/games/ruby-majesty-treasure-team/92928
Good job!
The physic of the game feels really good and the idea is simple but works very effectively.
Feels very nice, love the sound design!
Some beeps with that initial text would've set the mood a bit more, but that's being picky.
Dwoje has won a 3rd place in CommunityJam15 in overall. HUGE thanks to all the voters for supporting dwoje! You are awesome!!!
dwoje is a little cooperative game made in less than 72 hours for a Community Jam 15
Take control of two circles - workers of anti-virus program named dwoje: Yello and Blu and be a part of their journey through the dangerous and alluring levels of the game defeating system threating viruses.
It's highly reccomended to play this game with a friend... or someone you know... or someone you don't know... you get the idea :)
Control Yello with arrows
Control Blu with WASD
Controlling gravity (yes you can controll gravity in some levels):
Changing gravity in Y axis: W - S
Changing gravity in X axis: Right arrow - left arrow
Reseting level:
R to reset current level
(reset levels when you can't move a needed box or you think you found a bug)
(This game can be beaten by one player and still be fun, but considering it was made for a gamejam with a "cooperation" theme it's much more fun to play it with a friend).