Comments (35)
My only gripe is that the game feels way to easy by the end, but then again as you develop its supposed to, but you can make the game harder by the weapon you choose and so I have no gripe.
Great Game. It always nice to see a game that was made in such a short amount of time be good. Would love if there was some more items added to make it a longer game. Rated an easy 5
this game is pretty fun, and is good to kill time, i have unlocked everything, you should add more items to the game, great game though ;)
the games is realy good an i lovet
(sory for the bad englis)
not a bad game
Edo Arena
Note: Created in under 48 hours for Ludum Dare 34.
Edo Arena is a battle between you and the world. Defend your new settlement from intruders and buy upgrades to grow your power. Your objective is to have palace built to fend off your foes. Use left and right to swing your weapon.
The LD48 theme was Two Button Controls and Growing. If you have any questions leave a comment. Enjoy!