Comments (16)
Hi I was unable to run the game i got an error that said 'The program can't start because python35.dll is missing from you computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.' Do you know of any way to fix this?
Should add more levels
Ive solved the issue and will add it in a update later today I hope you still decide to play it it's a little unpolished but I will make a beeter menu and such soon.
unable to run the game
Feel free to add coments tell me anything that needs improvment
Just a Platformer it has a story and that will be released in 2.1 you can expect more levels in a couple weeks.(Update I will reveal some story now you are E you must find clues to those who were before you and defeat the parasite.Note dont expect full game play till 2.2 or later)#Platformer