
Comments (35)

What do you think?

File is failing to unpack when attempting to download today (2019-04-15)

Still looking for voice actors?

Hi! I'm really enjoying the game so far, but I'm actually a little stuck. I've solved the puzzle to enter the pyramid, I've lit the torch, and then picked up the earrings and the bandages. I legit have no idea what to do next and I'd really appreciate if I could have a little clue :L but yeah like I said great so far! I love the pixel style you have used :)

Any body knows link to its walkthrough. Just stuck at that entrance of Pyramid, obviously the panel buttons combination is to be taken from the hieroglyphics on the piece of papyrus, but which color code is equivalent to what shape, since there 4 symbols and 4 color.

really great game. <3 it rating 5

when u gonna finish troll song???


Eternal Chrysalis

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Eternal Chrysalis is a short point and click adventure game for PC, made by Selmiak and CaptainD for the MAGS November 2013 competition - basically, make a game in a month. This was an insane process with the game's puzzles and plot constantly changing so that we could actually fit everything in. The original storyline and more may very well be restored in a future release with more gameplay, improved graphics, more sound effects and possibly voice acting. But for now, this will give you 10-15 minutes of fun in Egypt with a time-travelling twist!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Tobacco Reference

AGS Awards 2014

Review (Eternal Chrysalis)

Eternal Chrysalis Released!