
Comments (1)

What do you think?

Nice engine dude im downloading it


Fabrica engine 0.0.2

Version: 0.0.2over 6 years ago
Features Visual scene editor Code editor Visual tools Particle emitters Particle Editor Materials Material Editor Code editing Our own “core” based on three Texture editing Realtime lighting and shadowmap Drag and drop files directly to objects One file project export with all assets included No more broken projects because of missing files Physics Engine SPE Particle System GLSL Support WebVR WebGL

Fabrica engine 0.0.3-r1

Version: 0.0.3over 6 years ago
Changes: Changed NWJS to a lighter version Added Moon / sun Color In Asset explorer material preview, now isn't just an static icon A new way to "Optimize" Games made in Fabrica Avoid zoom on mobile browser Added renderer config to settings Refactored scene panel Fixed material not rendering after project loaded

Fabrica engine 0.0.4

Version: 0.0.4over 6 years ago
Changes: Changed NWJS to a lighter version Fixed bugs in Context Menu Now works static and dynamic objects Changes in material editor Material now can be smooth Materials now can be flat Changed General Files Added Material Files Added Unknow File Ended Dispose (Still not) to avoid memory leaks Now the textures are renderer in the asset explorer Added depthTest in material editor Interface Changed a lot Material renderer now working properly Now you can create MeshPhongMaterials Now you can create SpriteMaterials Now you can Drag And Drop Textures inside Fabrica And Will Create Materials Now Material Renderer Is Realtime

Fabrica Engine,
Is a complete suite for game development based on threejs and another open source tools, we're actually working on it, and this project is aimed to be one of the most powerful engines :D

This is how actually looks the IDE 0.0.3


An in-game example



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