Comments (29)
Fatal Error Horror Teaser is excellent!:)
Well, decent game at least as far as the graphics are concerned. I know you worked really hard on them. I did, however, have a problem with the controls. I thought they were really sucky. As a rule that every game maker should follow: You do not use sticky keys as part of the game controls, such as Ctlr or Shift.
I felt that you could have used more compressed music files such as .ogg or MP3. I know that game maker studio does support these audio files now, and there is no excuse not to compress a music file any time it runs over 15 seconds in length. Overall, I will not rate this game because I think you could make it better and make a smaller file size to download, not everyone like me has high speed internet.
like this game!WOOW!:D
You better put this down quickly, you're breaking the rules by using copyrighted music and graphics.
Good Solid game , love shoot em ups and this is right up my street , I can see a lot of work as gone into this one , good work
Vertical sci-fi shooter with elements of top-down. Music subtext with DnB and Dubstep.
The author disclaims any responsibility for any damage and health problems caused by use of this software.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Comical Shenanigans